As recent reviews of medieval and early modern studies impressively demonstrate, the study of historiography has boomed in the last 15 years or so, paving the way for integrative and cross-cultural approaches beyond the previous focus on (Western) Eurocentric focus. Despite these developments it is striking that the area between the Adriatic and the Black Sea continues to be treated only marginally in general research on the history of culture and ideas. There is an immense disparity between the thriving research on Western knowledge production and the rudimentary interest in those historical writings that were produced and circulated in the Ottoman and Ottoman-Venetian area.

Situated at the intersection of Mediterranean, Eastern European, and Near Eastern cultures, early modern Southeastern Europe offers the opportunity to understand the various forms, practices, and meanings of historiography in a tense contact zone where nearly all the languages, religions, and writing systems of the Eastern Mediterranean world intersected.

The initial focus has been on the production of a sourcebook on "Historiographies of Early Modern Southeast Europe" (HEMSEE), which has been funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation from 2019 to 2022 and aims to reconstruct the diverse forms of writing about history in this multilingual and multiconfessional space. Through various forms of cooperation and exchange, we are striving to establish a broad interdisciplinary network of scholars for the study of the textual and intellectual history of the Eastern European-Mediterranean region.


Dr. Konrad Petrovszky


Panel “Phanariot Views on 18th Century Ottoman History”, Turkologentag 2023 (Vienna, 21–23 September 2023

Panel “Liminal times. Historiographies of Ottoman Southeast Europe, 1774-1839”, panel at CIÉPO 24, (Thessaloniki, June 24, 2022)

1st HEMSEE Workshop: History on the Margins. Marginalia in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe, 15th-18th Centuries (Vienna, 3 October 2019)

Between Empires: Circulation, Communication and Interaction, 15th-21st Centuries (Bucharest, 5.-6. Dezember 2019)

2nd HEMSEE Workshop: Life Writing and History Writing in Early Modern Southeast Europe, 15th–18th Centuries (Vienna 30 September and 1 Oktober 2021)