• Stift St. Florian, Marmorsaal, Verherrlichung Kaiser Karls VI., Detail aus dem Deckenfresko von Bartolomeo / Martino Altomonte und Ippolito Sconzani, 1724. © Martin Mádl, Prag

    The IHB is a leading non-university institution for the historical research of the Habsburg Monarchy, its successor states and the Balkan region. The Institute conducts original research for the purpose of investigating, securing and interpreting cultural heritage.

  • [Translate to English:] Ganzseitige Miniatur: Wappen von Erzherzog Ferdinand II. v. Österreich Titel: Cod. Ser. n. 2633, fol. 1r: Icones historici vitam et martyrium sancti Venceslai Principis Boemiae designantes (Wenzel I. v. Böhmen) Quelle: www.bildarchivaustria.at (Bildnummer: 18882070)

    The IHB is a leading non-university institution for the historical research of the Habsburg Monarchy, its successor states and the Balkan region. The Institute conducts original research for the purpose of investigating, securing and interpreting cultural heritage.

  • The IHB is a leading non-university institution for the historical research of the Habsburg Monarchy, its successor states and the Balkan region. The Institute conducts original research for the purpose of investigating, securing and interpreting cultural heritage.

  • [Translate to English:]

    The IHB is a leading non-university institution for the historical research of the Habsburg Monarchy, its successor states and the Balkan region. The Institute conducts original research for the purpose of investigating, securing and interpreting cultural heritage.

  • [Translate to English:] © Maren Jeleff Photography

    The IHB is a leading non-university institution for the historical research of the Habsburg Monarchy, its successor states and the Balkan region. The Institute conducts original research for the purpose of investigating, securing and interpreting cultural heritage.

  • [Translate to English:] Sveti Jovan Kaneo, 2006 (c) Robert Pichler

    The IHB is a leading non-university institution for the historical research of the Habsburg Monarchy, its successor states and the Balkan region. The Institute conducts original research for the purpose of investigating, securing and interpreting cultural heritage.


The IHB is a leading non-university institution for the historical research of the Habsburg Monarchy, its successor states and the Balkan region. The Institute conducts original research for the purpose of investigating, securing and interpreting cultural heritage.



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