The Earth System Sciences (ESS) research programme, led by the OeAW for the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, aims to research the earth as a system. Calls are published for funded research projects at the cutting edge of science. ESS thus seeks to fill gaps in the Austrian research landscape, for instance with regard to interdisciplinary projects, long-term research projects and pioneering research.

The three thematic orientations of the ESS programme are global change, geo/hydrosciences and UNESCO Man and the Biosphere. All three are administered by a national committee.

National committees

The national committees are composed of renowned scientists and representatives of ministries and organisations of the federal states. They coordinate the research activities, observe the Austrian research landscape, analyse research needs and formulate ideas for new programme foci. Together, the national committees also shape the scientific orientation of the ESS calls.


Quality control is ensured by an international Earth System Sciences Advisory Board. It advises the national committees, the OeAW and the Science Ministry on programme development and related scientific questions. In Juli 2017 the ESS Advisory Board published a paper that reflects the philosophy of the ESS programme:



International Programmes
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna

Dr. Jörg Böckelmann
T +43 1 51581-2772