The Austrian Academy of Sciences will award up to 3 Berta Karlik Followships over the next three years in memory of Berta Karlik and recognition of her outstanding scientific performance and success. Berta Karlik as first female member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences paved the way for many renowned female researches to come – as the fellowship awarded in her name shall do in the future for female researchers in the field of STEM research.


The Berta KarlikFellowships are open to the most distinguished women scientists in STEM from all over the world to foster international exchange and facilitate collaboration with OeAW´s institutes. Berta KarlikFellowships provide the opportunity to explore new ideas for up to 12 months.

The goal of the Berta KarlikFellowship Programme is

  • to support high level brain circulation of outstanding female scientists in STEM on sabbatical leave
  • to work on novel research ideas without any teaching or administrative duties
  • to promote direct contacts with the research and innovation community in Austria
  • to stimulate exchange
  • to foster sustainable future collaboration and

Eligible fellows

The call is open to outstanding female scientists of any nationality

  1. working in STEM with a proven ability to conduct ground-breaking research and
  2. who are Leading Researchers (R4) and have a record of a minimum of 10 years of independent academic work
  3. who have previously demonstrated sound leadership in the training and advancement of young researchers
  4. who are ready to spend a minimum of 6 up to a maximum of 12 months at the OeAW (while on sabbatical leave).

Fellowship amount

The Berta Karlik Fellowship grants an expense allowance of 5.000 € p.m. plus travel costs of 2.000 € (one time) and costs for the organisation of an international workshop as well as outreach and networking activities of max. 10.000 €. The guest researcher will not enter into an employment contract with the OeAW.


The following documents shall be sent by the nominating institute in SURNAME_Berta_Karlik_Fellowship_pdf format:

  1. Nomination and hosting offer by the director of the selected OeAW institute highlighting the
    1. thematic exchange on research foci, networking and mentoring activities
    2. expected impact on the institute, the OeAW and the Austrian Science community
    3. support provided by the institute.
  2. Motivation letter of the applicant + CV
  3. Short description of the research plan incl. groundbreaking research questions, ideas for mentoring activities and a targeted outreach strategy

Nominations shall be sent to karlikfellow(at) no later than 30 June 2024.

Award criteria 

  1. Groundbreaking character of the research idea
  2. Expected impact of the Berta Karlik Fellowship on a specific research field of the hosting OeAW institute based on the statement provided by the applicant director
  3. Mentoring activities
  4. Effective outreach strategy


  • Nomination letter by hosting institute’s director
  • Motivation letter of the applicant
  • CV of the applicant
  • Documented evidence of employment at home institution
  • Documented evidence of residence abroad. Please mind respective visa requirements and see:


Grant Service of the 
Austrian Academy of Sciences