PhD Student
Hearing Cluster
Binaural Audio and Auditory Modelling

Tel. +43 1 51581-2536
Email: katharina.pollack(at)

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Academic Background

Katharina Pollack studied electrical engineering audio engineering at the Technical University and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz and is currently doing her PhD in the field of spatial hearing at the Acoustics Research Institute in Vienna. Her main research interest is making personalised head-related transfer functions more accessible to the public, with the focus on parametric and statistic approaches for pinna shape deformation. She is an active member of the Austrian Acoustics Association, the Austrian section of the Audio Engineering Society and the Austrian section of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering.

Current Research

Head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) represent the influence of the anthropometric properties on the incoming sound field. Not only are the interaural time differences (ITDs) and interaural level difference (ILDs) important for the localization ability of humans but also the shape of the outer ear - the pinna - is essential to this process. The state-of-the-art measurement process of HRTFs is well studied and the numeric calculation of the measurement (Ziegelwanger et al., 2015) was a milestone in this field, enabling perceptual valid HRTFs to be processed from 3D Models of the head and pinnae. However, this process relies heavily on high-quality 3D models, with a resolution of 1 mm and the acquisition of such a 3D model has been examined thoroughly within the LocaPhoto project. Katharina Pollack's current research focuses on the investigation in the influence of pinna changes in the HRTFs and parametric pinna modelling. This shall conclude the missing link between the properties of HRTFs and the virtual representation of complex biological structures such as the pinna.