Dr. phil

Christina Katsikadeli



... studied German and Greek language and philology, general and historical linguistics (Indo-European studies) as well as Jewish cultural history at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, and at the University of Salzburg, Austria. Since 2000, she has worked as a pre- and postdoctoral researcher, lexicographer, and lecturer in general and historical-comparative linguistics at the Department of Linguistics, at the Center for the Research of Eastern Christianity (ZECO) and at the Center for Jewish Cultural History, University of Salzburg, Austria. For nine years, she has been co-worker and project leader (2000-2009) at the Rig Veda Dictionary (RIVELEX, Vols. I-III) funded by the Austrian Research Fund (FWF). For the period 2014-2018, she was the principal investigator (Elise-Richter-Fellow) of the FWF-project Hellenistic Koine in Egypt and the Near East. Until 2021, she was a co-worker at the Digital Dictionary of Loanwords in the Midrash Genesis Rabbah (FWF), and for the years 2020-2023 she was be the PI of the projects Language Structure and Use in J.N. Nestroy’s plays (ÖNB, Jubiläumsfonds Nr. 18421) and Nestroy’s Vienna (funded by the City of Vienna).

For the period 2023-2026 she will be responsible for the design and the compilation of Greek and Latin lemmata of the Digital Dictionary of Loanwords in the Yalkut Shimoni (FWF) at the ACDH-CH. She is part of the research unit Linguistics.



  • Katsikadeli, Christina, Vladislav Slepoy, and Thomas Klampfl. 2021. Exploring Etymology and Language Contact Through Digital Lexicographical Encoding: The Dictionary of Loanwords in the Midrash Genesis Rabbah (DLGenR). Chistina Katsikadeli, Sellner, Manfred, and Gassner, Michael. Digital Lexis and Beyond. Selected Papers from the Workshop „Digital Lexis, and Beyond”. 45th Austrian Linguistics Conference Dec. 2019. Wien: Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. doi:10.1553/DLGenR_Loanwordss1.
  • Schopper, Daniel, and Karlheinz Mörth. 2021. VICAV 3.0: Zooming in on Lexical Resources. Christina Katsikadeli, Sellner, Manfred, and Gassner, Michael. Digital Lexis, and Beyond. Selected Papers from the Workshop „Digital Lexis, and Beyond” 45th Austrian Linguistics Conference Dec. 2019. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW. doi:10.1553/VICAV.
  • Katsikadeli, Christina. 2018. Language contact and contact induced change in the light of the (digital) lexicography of Greek loanwords in the non-Indo-European languages of the Greco-Roman worlds (Coptic, Hebrew/Aramaic, Syriac). Trends in Classics-Supplementary Volumes 72: 21-40. doi:10.1515/9783110622744-003.
  • Dressler, Wolfgang U., Vanessa Hannesschläger, and Barbara Tumfart. 2018. Poetische Okkasionalismen bei Nestroy und Handke: ein literarisch-linguistischer und korpuslinguistischer Kontrast. Hanno Biber, Katsikadeli, Christina, and Sellner, Manfred B. Corpus Linguistics and Literature. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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Katsikadeli, Christina, Manfred Sellner, Michael Gassner (eds.). 2021. Digital Lexis and Beyond. Wien: ÖAW-epub. ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8916-9 


Katsikadeli C. & Vladislav Slepoy 2020: Greek loanwords in post-Biblical Hebrew/Aramaic: some case studies from the midrash Genesis Rabbah, in: Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, 139 2020, 111-132. 


 Fykias, I. & C. Katsikadeli (2018 [2019]) “Some affine subordination patterns in the synchrony and diachrony of Greek, Albanian and other Balkan languages”, "1st International Conference on Language Contact in the Balkans and Asia Minor". University of Thessaloniki.  


Oswald Panagl & Christina Katsikadeli. (2018) “Nestroy meets Wagner. Parody as an alternative literary concept and a test bench for stylistics”, in: Biber, Hanno, Christina Katsikadeli & Manfred Sellner: Corpus Linguistics and Literature. 43rd Austrian Linguistics Conference at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria Dec. 8th 2017, 16p, ÖAW e-pub; doi: 10.1553/Nestroy  


Hanno Biber - Christina Katsikadeli - Manfred B. Sellner (eds). 2018. Corpus Linguistics and Literature. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. ISBN13 Online: 978-3-7001-8424-9