Di, 11.04.2023 14:00

Seminar: Ganymede through the ages

Dr. Martin Volwerk, IWF Graz, will talk about Ganymede through the ages.

Ganymede is the third Galilean moon of Jupiter and the largest moon in the solar system (even larger than Mercury). Through the history of humankind Ganymede has made a transition from a mythological figure to one of the most interesting objects in the solar system. In this talk an overview will be given of the development of Ganymede through the various ages: from being a ``prince abducted by a god'' to being a ``habitable colonized world.''

Some of this may not be scientifically valid when it is dealing with the mythology around Jupiter and Ganymede, and with science fiction views of Ganymede. However, it is part of how Jupiter and Ganymede were and are seen.

The scientifically valid part starts with a discussion of the discovery of this moon; the optical, ground-based studies of Ganymede including the early development of surface maps; space-based observations and spacecraft flybys, including the ever-increasing detailedness of images of the moon. Some of the many Galileo spacecraft results will be shown.

Now please enjoy a trip through the ages covering the discovery and study of Ganymede.



IWF Seminar series

Martin Volwerk

11.04.2023, 14.00 Uhr

U.a.4  in-person