Encoding Manuscripts with TEI-XML Training

TEI XML, a standard markup language for encoding textual documents, has become indispensable in the field of manuscript studies. This training will offer theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience on encoding manuscripts with TEI XML, focusing specifically on the Manuscript Description and Critical Apparatus modules, providing participants with comprehensive guidance on encoding manuscripts and critical editions. Throughout the session, attendees will work collaboratively on provided examples to encode, culminating in brief presentations where they will share their approaches and solutions. An interactive discussion will follow, encouraging participants to exchange ideas and explore the intricacies of manuscript encoding. This training offers a valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of TEI XML encoding practices in the context of manuscript studies. 

Requirements and prerequisites

For this workshop a basic understanding of TEI is necessary to follow the workshop. Therefore, participants will receive upon registration introductory training material on TEI XML to work through before the workshop, if they are not familiar with TEI XML. During the Workshop we will work with Oxygen XML Editor. If you have not yet installed the Oxygen Editor, please do so before the workshop. 

For a 30-day trial version, you must register here and then follow the provided steps to get your free trial and install it. 

If you already have an oXgen editor, make sure it is a current version. Software is constantly improving - functions that we would like to try out in the workshop may be missing in older versions! 

Further information, documents and working materials will be provided upon registration. 


Eirini Afentoulidou

is a researcher at the Institute for Medieval Research / Department of Byzantine Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna. Her research interests include textual criticism, language analysis, manuscript studies, Byzantine theological literature, and gender studies. She currently works on childbirth-related prayers in Byzantine prayerbooks (Euchologia). 


Canan Arıkan-Caba

is a Research Infrastructure Officer at the ACDH-CH and a doctoral candidate at Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, University of Vienna. Since 2020 she has been working in digital humanities projects. Her dissertation project explores Greek epigraphic evidence of building activities of clerics in the Early Byzantine Period for which she created an ER modelled database. 

This Tool Gallery is organized in close cooperation with the Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO).


22 May 2024, 09:00-13:00


Austrian Academy of Sciences
Bäckerstraße 13, 1010 Wien
Besprechungsraum 2D, 2nd Floor





Please note that the registrations are closed.