Sabrina Tomić, MA

COMMUNITY CONSULTANT - Romanian in Eastern Serbia

I am a student in Interdisciplinary East European Studies, in the past I have graduated Slavic and Romance languages at the University of Vienna where I dealt with the Serbian-Romanian language contact.

I was born in Rakova Bara, a Romanian village in the Timočka Krajina and since ever I am used to speaking my mother tongue rumînjašće within family and among the romanian communities. During my training time within VLACH, I have provided transcriptions for the Romanian spoken in Eastern Serbia and contributed to the representation of its varieties in a written, academic form which can be useful for all the scholars involved in comparing Romanian language varieties and analyzing their transmitted cultural goods.

By this, I hope to contribute to the prestige of this Romanian variety and thus encourage the usage in oral and written form especially by young generations among which the language in on the verge of extinction.