Melanie Wagner

Research Group: Fertility and Family

Phone: +43 1 51581 - 7755

E-Mail: melanie.wagner(at)

Selected publications:

Brandt, M., Deindl, C., Floridi, G., Heidemann, R., Kaschowitz, J., Quashie, N., Verbakel, E., & Wagner, M. (2023). Social inequalities and the wellbeing of family caregivers across European care regimes. Journal of Family Research, 35, 181-195.

Bergmann, M., & Wagner, M. (2023). Back to Normal? The Health Care Situation of Home Care Receivers across Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Implications on Health. PLoS ONE 18(10), e0287158.

Wagner, M., & Brandt, M. (2018). Long-term care provision and the well-being of spousal caregivers: An analysis of 138 European regions. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 73(4), 24–34.


Areas of Expertise

  • Grey Divorce
  • Caregiver Well-Being
  • Social integration at older ages
  • Survey Methodology
  • Questionnaire Development