Bernhard Riederer

Full list of Publications

  • Riederer B., Setz I. & Buber-Ennser I. (2024). Urban-rural differences in the desired number of children in Austria 1986–2021. Österreichische Zeitschrift Für Soziologie, 49, 331 - 356.
  • Kohlenberger J., Buber-Ennser I., Pędziwiatr K., Rengs B., Setz I., Brzozowski J., et al. (2023). High self-selection of Ukrainian refugees into Europe: Evidence from Kraków and Vienna. Plos One, 18, e0279783.
  • Riederer B. & Beaujouan E. (2023). Explaining the urban-rural gradient in later fertility in Europe. Population Space And Place, e2720.
  • Nisen J., Kluesener S., Dahlberg J., Dommermuth L., Jasilioniene A., Kreyenfeld M., et al. (2021). Educational Differences in Cohort Fertility Across Sub-national Regions in Europe. European Journal Of Population, 263-295.
  • Riederer B. & Berghammer C. (2020). The Part-Time Revolution: Changes in the Parenthood Effect on Women’s Employment in Austria across the Birth Cohorts from 1940 to 1979. European Sociological Review, 36, 284-302.
  • Riederer B. & Buber-Ennser I. (2019). Regional context and realization of fertility intentions: The role of the urban context. Regional Studies, 53, 1669-1679.
  • Riederer B., Verwiebe R. & Seewann L. (2019). On changing social stratification in Vienna: Why are migrants declining from the middle of society?. Population, Space And Place, e2215.
  • Riederer B. (2018). Machen Kinder glücklich? Die Elternschaft im individuellen, partnerschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Kontext.
  • Riederer B. & Verwiebe R. (2015). Changes in the Educational Achievement of Immigrant Youth in Western Societies: The Contextual Effects of National (Educational) Policies. European Sociological Review, 31, 628-642.
  • Schmidt E. -M. & Riederer B. (2024). Family lives and intimate relationships in Austria—A plea for inclusive and interdisciplinary family research. Austrian Journal Of Sociology, 49, 291 - 298.
  • Riederer B. (2023). Die (un)geplante Elternschaft. In Norbert Neuwirth, Isabella Buber-Ennser,, & Beat Fux, (Eds.), Familien in Österreich. Partnerschaft, Kinderwunsch und ökonomische Situation in herausfordernden Zeiten (p. 36).
  • Riederer B. (2023). One, two or three? On the ideal number of children. In Norbert Neuwirth, Isabella Buber-Ennser,, & Beat Fux, (Eds.), Families in Austria. Partnership, fertility intentions and economic situation in challenging times (p. 30).
  • Riederer B. (2023). Eins, zwei oder drei? Zur idealen Kinderzahl. In Norbert Neuwirth, Isabella Buber-Ennser,, & Beat Fux, (Eds.), Familien in Österreich. Partnerschaft, Kinderwunsch und ökonomische Situation in herausfordernden Zeiten (p. 30).
  • Riederer B. (2023). Bildungsaufstiege in Österreich. In N. Neuwirth, Buber-Ennser, I., & Fux, B. (Eds.), Familien in Österreich. Partnerschaft, Kinderwunsch und ökonomische Situation in herausfordernden Zeiten (p. 23).
  • Riederer B. (2023). Paare in Österreich: Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern. In Norbert Neuwirth, Isabella Buber-Ennser,, & Beat Fux, (Eds.), Familien in Österreich. Partnerschaft, Kinderwunsch und ökonomische Situation in herausfordernden Zeiten (p. 11).
  • Riederer B. (2023). Psychological wellbeing: risk of depression. In N. Neuwirth, Buber-Ennser, I., & Fux, B. (Eds.), Families in Austria. Partnership, fertility intentions and economic situation in challenging times (p. 65).
  • Buber-Ennser I. & Riederer B. (2023). Two-child ideal and migration background. In Norbert Neuwirth, Isabella Buber-Ennser,, & Beat Fux, (Eds.), Families in Austria. Partnership, fertility intentions and economic situation in challenging times (p. 31).
  • Riederer B. (2023). Upward intergenerational mobility in education in Austria. In N. Neuwirth, Buber-Ennser, I., & Fux, B. (Eds.), Families in Austria. Partnership, fertility intentions and economic situation in challenging times (p. 23).
  • Riederer B. (2023). Couples in Austria: birds of a feather flock together. In Norbert Neuwirth, Isabella Buber-Ennser,, & Beat Fux, (Eds.), Families in Austria. Partnership, fertility intentions and economic situation in challenging times (p. 11).
  • Riederer B. (2023). The financial situation of families. In N. Neuwirth, Buber-Ennser, I., & Fux, B. (Eds.), Families in Austria. Partnership, fertility intentions and economic situation in challenging times (p. 58).