
Klaus-Dieter Bauer

Research Scientist

Transfer Group


Telephone: +43-732-2468-4222

Biographical sketch

  • Born in Linz, Austria (1986)
  • 1997-2005 Middle and High-School at BRG Fadingerstraße, Linz
  • 2006-2012 Diploma of Technical Physics at Johannes-Kepler University Linz.
  • 2019 Graduated from PhD "Technical Physics" at JKU Linz.


  • Since 10/2019 Postdoc at RICAM.
  • Since 07/2019 Scientific Assistant in R&D at MathConsult.
  • 2013/01 - 2019/04 PhD Student at the Zentrum für Oberflächen- und Nanoanalytik, at JKU Linz.
  • 2014/01 - 2018/04 Scientific Assistant at the Zentrum für Oberflächen- und Nanoanalytik, at JKU Linz.

As guest researcher:

  • 2011/04 - 2011/07 at Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research (Düsseldorf)
  • 2014/04 - 2014/09 at University Vienna (Computational Materials Physics)

Academic Honors and Awards

  • 2013/04 Wilhelm Macke Award
  • 2017/06 Poster award at "Optics of surfaces and interfaces" conference (Dublin)
  • 2020/10 Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria


Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings (2)

Dissertation (1)

Workingpaper (1)