Mon, 26.02.2024 11:00

Group Seminar: Mathematical Methods in Medicine and Life Sciences

Beata Ondrusova/Slovak Academy of Sciences. Title: Addressing Obstacles in the Clinical Implementation of the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography


Monday, February 26th, 2024
11:00, SCP2, room 416-1

The inverse problem of electrocardiography can be used to localize the origin of ectopic
cardiac activity such as premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) using body surface poten-
tial recordings obtained by tens to hundreds of torso electrodes and using a patient-speci c
geometrical model derived from CT/MRI scan. Despite its potential clinical signi cance,
the widespread integration of the inverse solution faces numerous challenges. One obsta-
cle is the requirement to use numerous electrodes. In this talk, the positions of the most
signi cant electrodes for solving the inverse problem will be identi ed while also discussing
the feasibility of achieving accurate solutions using a subset of these electrodes. Addition-
ally, geometric models required for the inverse solution are created by individual observers,
leading to variations in geometrical representations, particularly noticeable in cardiac ge-
ometry. Therefore, the impact of cardiac variability on the accuracy of both the forward
and inverse problems of electrocardiography will be examined. Finally, there are various
methods for solving the inverse problem, and we will explore the accuracy of dipole-based
and potential-based solutions in localizing the PVCs.