More light from the ancient East : : understanding the New Testament through Papyri / / Peter Arzt-Grabner, John S. Kloppenborg, Christina M. Kreinecker ; with a contribution by Gregg Schwendner.

"Papyri, ostraca, and tablets document social, economic, political, and multilingual circumstances of the Greco-Roman period and are one of the best sources for understanding New Testament times. Compared to the first studies devoted to papyri and the New Testament some hundred years ago, the a...

Disgrifiad llawn

Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Superior document:Papyri and the New Testament, vol. 1
Place / Publishing House:Paderborn, Germany : : Brill Schöningh,, [2023]
Blwyddyn Gyhoeddi:2023
Rhifyn:First edition.
Cyfres:Papyri and the New Testament ; v. 1.
Disgrifiad Corfforoll:1 online resource (xxxix, 237 pages) :; illustrations
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