Consecration of Images and Stûpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism / / Yael Bentor.

The present work is an investigation of the Indo-Tibetan ritual for consecrating images, stupas, books and temples. It is based on a thorough examination of the relevant Tibetan textual material contained in Tantras, commentaries, ritual manuals and explanatory works on consecration. As rituals are...

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Bibliographic Details
Place / Publishing House:Leiden : : BRILL,, 1996.
Year of Publication:1996
Edition:1st ed.
Series:Brill's Indological Library
Physical Description:1 online resource (xxii, 415 pages).
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Table of Contents:
  • Intro
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Tantric rituals and consecration
  • Consecration, the two truths, and the bodies (kâya) of the Buddha
  • Ritual of passage for objects
  • Further rituals of consecration
  • 1. The ritual of opening the eye
  • 2. The 'enthronement' offerings (mnga' -dbul)
  • 3. Rituals accompanying the request to the lha to firmly remain in the receptacle
  • 4. Offering bath
  • The ritual master, the lha invited into the receptacle, and the receptacle
  • 1. The ritual master
  • 2. The lha invited into the receptacle
  • 3. The consecrated receptacle
  • The consecration literature
  • The ritual manual
  • Dga'-ldan-chos-'phel-gling Monastery
  • Ritual roles
  • The setting
  • Rituals of transformation
  • Translation and Analysis of the Consecration Manual
  • Introductory remarks
  • The title
  • The structure of the consecration rituals
  • The Preparatory Rituals (sta-gon)
  • I. Preparations
  • General preparatory rituals
  • The preliminary rituals (sngon-'gro)
  • Generation of oneself as Rdo-rje-'jigs-byed (bdag-bskyed)
  • Empowering the ritual vases (bum-sgrub or bum-bskyed)
  • Self-entry into the mandala of Rdo-rje-'jigs-byed-lha-bcu-gsum (bdag-'jug)
  • The preparatory rituals of the consecration (rab-gnas sta-gon)
  • 1. Empowering the bathing vases and cleansing substances (khrus-bum dang bdag-rdzas bsgrub-pa)
  • 2. Empowering the flowers (me-tog bsgrub)
  • 3. The empowering of the gu-gul and white mustard (yungs-kar)
  • II. The Actual Consecration
  • Announcing the consecration (snyan-gsan-gyis gsol-gtab)
  • Generating the mind of enlightenment (sems-bskyed)
  • Showing in the mirror (me-long bstan-pa)
  • Generation of the receptacle as the dam-tshig sems-dpa' (rten-bskyed).
  • The preparatory rituals of the self-entry into the mandala (bdag-'jug)
  • Offering the four waters (chu bzhi 'bul-ba)
  • The purification (sbyang-ba)
  • Offering bath (khrus-gsol)
  • Offering fragrance, garments and ornaments (dri-bzang, gos, rgyan)
  • The invitation to the ye-shes sems-dpa' and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (lha-rnams spyan-drangs)
  • Offerings (mchod-pa)
  • Requesting the consecration (snyan-gsan-gyis gsol-gdab)
  • Offering (mchod-pa), prostrations (phyag-' tshal), and praises (bstod)
  • Requesting the lha to depart (gshegs-su gsol)
  • Applying scent on the receptacle (dri-bzang byug)
  • Offerings to the dam-tshig sems-dpa'
  • Protection of the receptacle (bsrung-ba)
  • III. Concluding rituals
  • Commanding the Guardians of the Directions (phyogs-skyong) to protect
  • Covering the receptacle (rten-dgab)
  • Thanks-giving ceremony (gtang-rag)
  • Aspirations (smon-lam) and dedication of merit (dge-ba bsngo-bd)
  • Request for forbearance (bzod-gsol)
  • Verses of auspiciousness (shis-brjod)
  • The Main Part (dngos-gzhi)
  • Empowering the bathing vases and the cleansing substances (khrus-bum dang bdag-rdzas bsgrub-pa)
  • Empowering the grain/flower
  • Empowering the gu-gul and the white mustard (yungs-kar)
  • Generation of the receptacle as the dam-tshig sems-dpa' (rten-bskyed)
  • Offering the four waters (chu bzhi 'bul-ba)
  • The purification (sbyang-ba)
  • Offering bath (khrus-gsol)
  • Offering fragrance (dri-bzang 'bul-ba)
  • Offering garments (gos 'bul)
  • Offering ornaments (rgyan 'but)
  • Announcing the consecration (snyan-gsan-gyis gsol-gtab)
  • Generating the mind of Enlightenment (sems-bskyed)
  • The blessing of the sense-fields (skye-mched, âyatana) and body, speech and mind (skye-mched dang sku gsung thugs byin-gyis-brlab)
  • The invitation to the ye-shes sems-dpa' and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (lha-rnams spyan-drangs).
  • Requesting the consecration (snyan-gsan-gyis gsol-gdab)
  • The absorption of the ye-shes sems-dpa' into the dam-tshig sems-dpa' (ye-shes sems-dpa' dam-tshig sems-dpa' la bstim)
  • The initiation of the lha (main part) (lha la dbang-bskur)
  • The five Tathâgatas initiations (rig-pa'i dbang-lnga)
  • The Vajrâcârya initiation (rdo-rje slob-dpon dbang)
  • The secret initiation (gsang-dbang)
  • The wisdom initiation (shes-rab ye-shes-kyi dbang)
  • The fourth initiation (dbang bzhi-pa)
  • Thanks-giving ceremony (gtang-rag)
  • Showing in the mirror (me-long bstan-pa)
  • The fire offerings (sbyin-sreg)
  • The empowerment of the milk porridge ('o-thug sgrub-pa)
  • Opening the eye and other faculties (spyan sogs dbye)
  • The feast (tshogs-'khor, gaṇacakra)
  • Binding the Guardians to an oath (dam-tshig bsgrags-pa)
  • Transformation of the receptacle (rten-bsgyur or gzugs-bsgyur)
  • Enthronement offerings (mnga'-' bul)
  • General enthronement offerings (spyi-yi mnga'-'bul)
  • Special enthronement offerings for images (sku-gzugs)
  • Special enthronement offerings for books (gsung-rab)
  • Special enthronement offerings for stûpas (mchod-rten)
  • Requesting the lha to remain firmly in the receptacle (brtan-bzhugs)
  • Thanks-giving ceremony (gtang-rag)
  • Aspirations (smon-lam) and dedication of merit (dge-ba bsngo-ba)
  • Request for accomplishment (dngos-grub, siddhi) and dissolution of the mandala
  • Verses of auspiciousness (shis-brjod)
  • The Concluding Rituals (mjug-chog)
  • Generating oneself as Rdo-rje-'jigs-byed-lha-bcu-gsum (bdag-bskyed)
  • The propitiation ritual (bskang-gso)
  • The pacifying fire offering (zhi-ba'i sbyin-sreg)
  • Showing the mirrors (me-long bstan-pa) to the secondary receptacles
  • The propitiation ritual continued
  • Commanding the Dharma Protectors (chos-skyong bsgo-ba)
  • Commanding the patron (yon-bdag bsgo-ba or sbyin-bdag bsgo-ba).
  • Final rituals
  • Appendix
  • Bibliography of Consecration Texts Found in the Tibetan Kanjur
  • Bibliography of Consecration Texts Found in the Tibetan Tanjur
  • A Selective Bibliography of Tibetan Textual Sources on Consecration
  • A Selective Bibliography of Tibetan Textual Sources on Consecration which are not Available to me
  • A Selective Bibliography of Tibetan Textual Sources on the Insertion of Dhâraṇîs into Receptacles (gzungs-'bul)
  • A Selective Bibliography of Tibetan Textual Sources on Restoration Rituals (arga spelled also argha) for Receptacles of Body, Speech and Mind
  • The Tibetan text of the ritual manual
  • Bibliography
  • Abbreviations
  • Bibliography of Western Works
  • Bibliography of Tibetan Works
  • Index.