Table of Contents:
  • Frontmatter
  • Multiprocessor arrays: Topology, efficiency and faulttolerance
  • Unsolved theoretical problems in homogeneous structures
  • On simultaneous realizations of Boolean functions, with applications
  • Parallel microprogramming as a tool for multi-microprocessor systems
  • Parallel memories for straight line and rectangle access
  • Programming with active data
  • Prolog implementations for cellular architectures
  • Modular highly-parallel computation and architectures
  • Parallel computation and supercomputers and applications
  • Fast parallel algorithms and the complexity of parallelism (Basic issues and recent advances)
  • Process-structured architectures to transform information flowing through
  • Basic research for cellular processing
  • Parallel algorithms in image processing
  • VLSI arrays implementing parallel line-drawing algorithms
  • Parallel conflict-free optimal access to complete extended q-ary trees
  • Systolic preconditioning algorithms for the Jacobi iterative solution of sparse linear systems
  • Multiprocessor systems for large numerical applications
  • Systolic array for eigenvalue of Jacobi matrix
  • A transitive closure algorithm for a 16-state cellprocessor
  • Control of sensory processing - a hypothesis on and simulation of the architecture of an elementary cortical processor
  • Bounds for l-selection and related problems on grids of processors
  • Recursive design of communication schemes for parallel computation with R E L A C S
  • Solution of dense systems of linear equations using cellular processors
  • Running order BtatiBtics on a bit-level systolic array
  • Realization of sets of permutations by permutation networks
  • Simulation of learning networks
  • Given's rotation on an instruction systolic array
  • Worst case analysis for reducing algorithms on instruction systolic arrays with simple instruction sets
  • Self-checking processing elements in cellular arrays
  • Cellular diagnostic in parallel systems
  • Reliable networks for Boolean functions with small complexity
  • Pipeline-automata - a model for acyclic systolic systems