Globalization policies and issues / Brandon J. Sherman, editor.

שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
Superior document:Global economic studies
שנת הוצאה לאור:2011
סדרה:Global economic studies (Nova Science Publishers)
גישה מקוונת:
תיאור פיזי:xii, 384 p. :; ill. (some col.).
תגים: הוספת תג
אין תגיות, היה/י הראשונ/ה לתייג את הרשומה!
תוכן הענינים:
  • Gloablization, offshoring, and multinational companies : what are the questions, and how well are we doing in answering them? / Ralph Kozlow
  • U.S. agricultural policy response to WTO cotton decision / Randy Schnepf
  • Dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization : an overview / Jeanne J. Grimmett
  • Trade remedies : a primer / Vivian C. Jones
  • WTO Doha round : the agricultural negotiations / Charles E. Hanrahan and Randy Schnepf
  • Trade preferences for developing countries and the WTO / Jeanne J. Grimmett
  • Financial globlization, crises, and contagion / Sergio L. Schmukler, Pablo Zoido and Marina Halac
  • Neoliberal globailization and politics of institutional change in Turkey : towards a 'strategic-effective state'? / Sadik Unay
  • Globalization, religion, and nonviolence / K.K. Kuriakose
  • An overview of computational methods in forecasting tourism demand : recommendations and future research / Marcos Alvarez-Diaz and Jaume Rossello-Nadal
  • Shifting locus of influence in the labor union movement : negotiations in international framework agreements / Niklas Egels-Zanden
  • Trade policy in the globalizing world : policy modeling and simulations of futures / Akira Onishi.