

Key note lectures

»Fragmente der Architektur und Architekturplastik des Artemisions aus den Grabungen auf dem Ayasuluk Hügel und von der Johanneskirche der Jahre 1975 bis 2019«
Mustafa Büyükkolancı | Former Excavation Director of Ayasoluk and St. John's Basilica, Pamukkale University, Denizli

»Ayasuluk Hill and St. John Monument Excavation with New Data«
Sinan Mimaroğlu | Excavation Director of Ayasoluk and St. John's Basilica, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Antakya


The lectures focuse on »The Dynamics of Spaces« regarding the close proximity of the Ayasoluk hill and the temple city of the Artemision of Ephesos at its eastern foot. Long before the cultic center of the Artemis Ephesia was traceable from the 8th century BC onwards the Ayasoluk hill was developing into the topographical center of the Kaystros valley until the relocation of the city to the west under Lysimachos in the 2nd century BC. The now extra-urban sanctuary remained an important religious place of worship and was further developed during the Roman Imperial Period. Ayasoluk Hill gained importance again in Byzantine times with the construction of the Justinian Basilica of St John as a new religious center, and retained its signifi cance as a fortifi ed sett lement in Seljuk-Ott oman times due to its strategically important location. The aim is therefore to highlight the diachronic spatial development of this microregion and discuss its many institutionalised and sometimes powerful and influential actors with the former and current head of excavation of Ayasoluk Hill.
