Talk: Longing for Community: Belonging in the Theatre

Talk with Emine Fisek

Date & Time: Thursday, June 13th at 18: 30h

Location: Common Room - Wien

A- 1080 Wien, Florianigasse 54

Talk: "Vers un théâtre populaire mondial" (Towards a World People's Theater)

Aurélien Bellucci is giving a talk at the French Society of General and Comparative Literature's conference 2024

Date: Wednesday 05.06.2024

Time: 11:00-12:30h

Place: Clermant-Ferrand, France

Title: : "Vers un théâtre populaire mondial"

Istanbul Theatre After Memory

jour fixe Kulturwissenschaften with Emine Fisek Türem

16. Mai 2024

16:30 bis 18:00 Uhr

Seminarraum 2
Campus Akademie
Bäckerstraße 13
1010 Wien

download ics-File

Talk: "Beyond Crisis: Rethinking the Performance of Forced Displacement"

Gender Studies Lecture Series: "Performing Challenges"

Datum: 22-23. Mai 2024

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw)

Department for Gender Studies (IKM)

Ort: Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, Bauteil E, 1030 Wien