Proceedings und Buchbeiträge

  • Alexeev I. I., M. S. Grygoryan, E. S. Belenkaya, V. V. Kalegaev and M. L. Khodachenko, Magnetosphere Environment From Solar System Planets/Moons To Exoplanets, In: Characterizing Stellar and Exoplanetary Environments, Eds. Lammer H. and M. L. Khodachenko, Springer, Berlin, 59-80, 2015.
  • Baumjohann W. and R. Nakamura, Magnetospheric Contributions To The Terrestrial Magnetic Field, In: Treatise on Geophysics. Vol. 5: Geomagnetism (2nd Ed.), Ed. Schubert G., Elsevier, Oxford, 79-90, 2015.
  • Belenkaya E. S., M. L. Khodachenko and I. I. Alexeev, Alfvén Radius: A Key Parameter For Astrophysical Magnetospheres, In: Characterizing Stellar and Exoplanetary Environments, Eds. Lammer H. and M. L. Khodachenko, Springer, Berlin, 239-246, 2015.
  • Bruyninx C., A. Araszkiewicz, E. Brockmann, A. Kenyeres, R. Pacione, W. Söhne, G. Stangl, K. Szafranek and C. Völksen, Epn Regional Network Associate Analysis Center Technical Report 2014, In: International GNSS Service Technical Report 2014, Eds. Jena Y. and R. Dach, Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Bern, 89-100, 2015.
  • Cheng B., B. Zhou, W. Magnes, R. Lammegger, A. Pollinger, M. Ellmeier, C. Hagen and I. Jernej, Performance of the engineering model of the CSES high precision magnetometer, In: IEEE Sensors 2015 Proceedings, IEEE, Piscataway, 1933-1936, 2015.
  • Eastwood J. P. and S. A. Kiehas, Origin And Evolution Of Plasmoids And Flux Ropes In The Magnetotails Of Earth And Mars, In: Magnetotails in the Solar System, Eds. Keiling A., C. M. Jackman, and P. A. Delamere, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 269-287, 2015.
  • Fischer G., Im Kontext: Blitze Am Saturn, In: Physik für Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure (7. Aufl.), Eds. Tipler P. A., G. Mosca, and J. Wagner, Springer, Berlin, 752-753, 2015.
  • Fossati L., C. A. Haswell, J. L. Linsky and K. G. Kislyakova, Observations Of Exoplanet Atmospheres And Surrounding Environments, In: Characterizing Stellar and Exoplanetary Environments, Eds. Lammer H. and M. L. Khodachenko, Springer, Berlin, 59-80, 2015.
  • Khodachenko M. L., Stellar Activity And Cmes: Important Factors Of Planetary Evolution, In: Solar Prominences, Eds. Vial J. -C. and O. Engvold, Springer, Heidelberg, 455-482, 2015.
  • Kislyakova K. G., M. Holmström, H. Lammer and N. V. Erkaev, Stellar Driven Evolution Of Hydrogen-Dominated Atmospheres From Earth-Like To Super-Earth-Type Exoplanets, In: Characterizing Stellar and Exoplanetary Environments, Eds. Lammer H. and M. L. Khodachenko, Springer, Berlin, 137-151, 2015.
  • Lendl M., L. Delrez, M. Gillon, N. Madhusudhan, E. Jehin, D. Queloz, D. R. Anderson and C. Hellier, Vlt Observations Of Giant Exoplanet Atmospheres: Reliability And New Results, In: Astron. Astrophys.Proceedings of Colloquium 'Twenty Years of Giant Exoplanets' held at Observatoire de Haute Provence, France, October 5-9, 2015, 531Eds. Boisse I., O. Demangeon, F. Bouchy, and L. Arnold, Institut Pytheas, Marseille, 75-79, 2015.
  • Maier A. and O. Baur, Sensitivity Of Simulated Lro Tracking Data To The Lunar Gravity Field, In: Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems. IAG Symposium 141, Ed. Marti U., Springer, Cham, 337-342, 2015.
  • Mandt K. E., J. L. Burch, C. Carr, A. I. Eriksson, K. -H. Glassmeier, J. -P. Lebreton, H. Nilsson, C. Béghin, T. W. Broiles, G. Clark, E. Cupido, N. Edberg, M. Galand, R. Goldstein, P. Henri, C. Koenders, P. Mokashi, Z. Nemeth, C. Pollock, I. Richter, M. Samara, K. Szego, C. Vallat, X. Vallières, M. Volwerk, G. S. Wieser and D. Winterhalter, First Results At 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko With The Rosetta Plasma Consortium, In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 2312, 2015.
  • Mitterschiffthaler P., D. Ruess, G. Stangl, H. Titz, C. Ullrich and E. Zahn, Euref 15: National Report Of Austria, In: Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF), EUREF, Leipzig, 4 p., 2015.
  • Narita Y., Turbulence reconnection in astrophysical plasmas and quantum fluids, In: Proceedings of the 15th European Turbulence Conference, Ed. TU Delft, TU Delft, Delft, No. 53, 2015.
  • Narita Y., Turbulent reconnection in astrophysical plasmas and quantum fluids, In: Proceedings of the 15th European Turbulence Conference, Ed. European Mechanics Society, European Mechanics Society, Delft, 53-54, 2015.
  • Reubelt T., O. Baur, M. Weigelt, M. Roth and N. Sneeuw, Goce Long-Wavelength Gravity Field Recovery From 1S-Sampled Kinematic Orbits Using The Acceleration Approach, In: Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems. IAG Symposium 141, Ed. Marti U., Springer, Cham, 21-26, 2015.

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften

  • Kirchner G. and F. Koidl, Laser ranging to space debris from Graz Laser Station, In: Österr. Zeitschr. Verm. Geoinf., 103, 151-155, 2015.
  • Mitterschiffthaler P. and G. Stangl, OLG REPRO2 - start of reprocessing the densification networks, In: Österr. Zeitschr. Verm. Geoinf., 103, 169-173, 2015.
  • Kraus S., B. Klinger, O. Baur and T. Mayer-Gürr, Development of the lunar gravity field model GrazLGM300a, In: Österr. Zeitschr. Verm. Geoinf., 103, 156-161, 2015.
  • Baumjohann W., „Wenn man etwas verstanden hat, kann man es auch erklären.“, In: Physik Journal, 14, 55, 2015.