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Bruno De Nicola. The Chobanids of Kastamonu: Politics, Patronage and religion in 13th century Anatolia. (London: Rutledge, 2024)

Bruno De Nicola. “Фустат ал-‘адала: уникальная рукопись о религиозном ландшафте средневековой Анатолии” Orientalistica 4:1 (2021), pp. 121-147.

Special Issues

Bruno De Nicola and Matthew Kinlock (eds.). “Urban Agencies: Reframing Anatolian and Caucasian Cities (13th-14th Centuries).” Medieval Worlds 14 (2021).

Research articles

Bruno De Nicola, ” The Trip of a Medieval Physician: a Rare Description of Mobility in Mongol Anatolia” in Claudia Rapp and Yannis Stouraitis (eds.), Microstructures and Mobility in Byzantium. (Vienna: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024), pp. 183-202.

Bruno De Nicola. “A brief proposal for mapping manuscript cultures in Mongol and early Timurid Iran and Central Asia.” In Lola Dodkhudoeva (ed.), Умре Дар Масири Илм: Маҷмуаи мақолаҳо ба хотираи Мамадвафо Баќоев бахшида мешавад (1931-1972). (Dushanbe: Donish, 2024), pp. 243-254.

Tanvir Ahmed, “All the world at the palm of the hand”: imagining history through the life of an early Afghan saint.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 87:1 (2024):151-167.

Tanvir Ahmed, “Miraculous Edges of Rebellion: On the Strange History of Ḥājjī Mīr Khān” Afghanistan 6:2 (2023), pp. 107–124.

Bruno De Nicola, “A manuscript witness of cultural activity in Mongol Baghdad: notes on Leiden Or. 95” Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 14 (2023), pp. 70-108.

Tanvir Ahmed, “Green Boughs on the Graves: Unmooring Herat from Imperial Time,” History & Theory (27 June 2023)

Bruno De Nicola. “Elite Women in the Mongol Empire” in Timothy May and Michael Hope (eds.), The Mongol World (London: Routledge, 2022), pp. 422-439.

Bruno De Nicola, “The ‘Kāmūsī Corpus’: a case-study on production of manuscripts and transmission of knowledge in Ilkhanid Iran” Iranian Studies 55:2 (2022), pp. 439–461.

Bruno De Nicola. “Urban agency in the borderlands: Turkmen rulers and administrative elites in 13th century Kastamonu.” Medieval Worlds 14 (2021), pp. 155-178.

Bruno De Nicola. “Фустат ал-‘адала: уникальная рукопись о религиозном ландшафте средневековой Анатолии” Orientalistica 4:1 (2021), pp. 121-147.

Bruno De Nicola. “Pādshāh Khātūn (1256-1295): an example of architecture, religious and literary patronage in the Ilkhanid Iran” in Michal Biran, Jonathan Brack and Francesca Fiaschetti (eds.), Along the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia (Berkeley, CA.: California University Press, 2020), pp. 270-89

Bruno De Nicola, “Manuscripts and Digital Technologies: A Renewed Research Direction in the History of Ilkhanid Iran” Iran Namag, special issue dedicated to Professor Shirin Bayani, 5:1 (2020).

Other publications or communications

Tanvir Ahmed, “The Unyielding Dead: Interring Conquest in the Graves of God’s Friends,” Study of Islam in Central Eurasia, (online published, 20 March 2023)

Bruno De Nicola (2022): “Mongolen: Manuskripte widerlegen Darstellung als “Barbaren” Junge-Akademie-Blog for Der Standard Newspaper. Published 30. November 2022.

Bruno De Nicola (2022): Interview for the magazine Atlas Obscura on “Women warriors in the Mongol empire”

Bruno De Nicola (2021): “The Mongol World Empire” a workshop for children age 10-12 at KinderUni

Bruno De Nicola (2020): “Die Spuren der Mongolen” in the Archiven Jahresbericht der ÖAW (Austria)