Digital Edition:

The Wissembourg Priscian Glosses

Commented editions of the Bible from Carolingian Europe:

List of the pertinent manuscripts


‘Individual talent and local difference: The monastic school of Wissembourg and the Carolingian reform of education’, invited lecture in the framework of the Masterclass “Wondering about ‘reform’ in medieval sources (4th-11th centuries)”, Utrecht University, 23-24 May 2024.

'A margine. Tipologie, funzioni e valore dei manoscritti glossati di epoca carolingia per la ricerca storica', invited lecture in the framework of the series “Carolingian Studies”, University of Trento, 14.11.23.

'Der Einzug Jesu in Jerusalem (Evangelienbuch 4, 4-5) und Otfrids lateinische Auslegung', Otfrid Lesekreis, Neustadt an der Weinstr., 13.-14.10.23.

‘The Spread of Commented Editions in Carolingian East Francia', International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 03.07.2023.

‘The Wissembourg Priscian Glosses: Expectations and Preliminary Results’, Online Workshop “Editing Glosses in the 21th century”, Universität Graz 5.5.2023

‘Commented Editions of the Bible from Carolingian Europe: Features, Functions and Spread’, International Conference “Collecting — Presenting — Studying — Transmitting: Scriptural Interpretations of Early Christian Authors in Old Catenae Manuscripts and New Databases”, Universität Wien, 23-25.3.2023

‘Collecting Knowledge at Bobbio. Peoples and Space in a Late Carolingian Glossary’, Workshop “Ethnonyms and the order of space in the Frankish Realms (6th-9th c.)”, Institut für Mittelalterforschung, Wien, 4.11.2022

‘Otfrids Evangelienexegese auf Latein’, Workshop “Otfrids Lesekreis”, Neustadt an der Weinstrasse (DE), 22.–23.9.2022

‘Tradition in der Innovation. Die Randglossierung der Handschrift St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 27 als Quelle von Notkers Psalmenwerk’, Internationale Tagung “Notker der Deutsche von St. Gallen, 28. Juni-1. Juli 2022”, St. Gallen, 1.7.2022

‘Introduction’ and ‘The Wissembourg Priscian Glosses. Towards a Digital Edition’ (mit Thomas Klampfl), International Conference “Margins at the Centre – Practices of Annotation. Scholarly Networks, Teachers and Audiences in Ninth-Century East Francia”, Institut für Mittelalterforschung, 23.-24.5.2022

‘On the spread of commented editions of the Bible in Carolingian Europe: actors and paths’, Conference “Global Eurasia 3: Wanderungen des Wissens und Transformationen von Wissensräumen”, Institut für Mittelalterforschung, Wien, 29.4.2022

‘Glossing the Prophets at St. Gall. First Observations on the MS St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 41’, Final Meeting of the Project “L’experience exégétique au Moyen Âge et durant la première modernité - LEGETIMAM”, Paris, 7.4.2022

‘The study of Latin in the East Frankish Realm. Multilingual glosses on Priscian’s Ars Grammatica and their digital edition’, International Symposion in Honour of Walter Pohl: “Golden Years for the Dark Ages. The Transformation of Early Medieval Studies since ca. 1980”, Institut für Mittelalterforschung, Wien, 25.3.2022

The Study of Paul’s Letters in Fulda around 800: The fragment St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 1395, pp. 440-441’, Virtual Conference “From Fragment to Whole. Interpreting Medieval Manuscript Fragments”, Centre for Medieval Studies, Bristol (UK), 16.09.2021.

‘The Holy Bible and its Anonymous Explanations: on the Spread of this Combination in the Carolingian Era’, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 06.07.2021.

‘Margins at the Centre: Inhalte und Ziele eines neuen Forschungsprojekts’,  Forum Millennium, Wien, 07.05.2021 (

‘In the margin: forms and uses of biblical annotations from the East Frankish Realm’, Fourth (virtual) Meeting of the Project “L’experience exégétique au Moyen Âge et durant la première modernité” – “La materialité des commentaires”, Paris, 27.03.2021.

Blog entries

“The importance of being marginal” in the Historical Identity Research Blog (15 May 2021):


‘C. Grifoni, ‘New Tools for Everyday Tasks. Otfrid and the Spread of Commented Editions of the Bible at Ninth-Century Wissembourg’, Medieval Worlds 20 (2024), pp. 146-171. DOI 10.1553/medievalworlds_no20_2024s146

C. Grifoni, ‘Questiones sancti Hysidori tam de novo quam de vetere testamento (CLH 35)’, in: Lucia Castaldi (ed.), Te.Tra. 9. La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo / Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. Esegesi ibernica (Florence: SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2024), pp. 31-34. DOI 10.36167/MM128PDF

C. Grifoni, ‘Prebiarum de multorium exemplaribus (CLH 37)’, in: Lucia Castaldi (ed.), Te.Tra. 9. La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo / Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. Esegesi ibernica (Florence: SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2024), pp. 46-50. DOI 10.36167/MM128PDF                                                                                                        

C. Grifoni, ‘GLOSSAE IN AMOS (CLH 47 et 61- Wendepunkte 10)’, in: Lucia Castaldi (ed.), Te.Tra. 9. La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo / Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. Esegesi ibernica (Florence: SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2024), pp. 159-161. DOI 10.36167/MM128PDF    

C. Grifoni, ‘Genelogium Iesu Christi secundum carnem (CLH71)’, in: Lucia Castaldi (ed.), Te.Tra. 9. La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo / Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. Esegesi ibernica (Florence: SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2024), pp. 282-292. DOI 10.36167/MM128PDF                                                                                                    

C. Grifoni, ‘Friguli Commentarius in Mattheum (CLH72 – Wendepunkte 20)’, in: Lucia Castaldi (ed.), Te.Tra. 9. La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo / Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. Esegesi ibernica (Florence: SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2024), pp. 293-305. DOI 10.36167/MM128PDF                                                                                                                       

C. Grifoni, ‘FRAGMENTA IN MATTHEUM (CLH 77)’, in: Lucia Castaldi (ed.), Te.Tra. 9. La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo / Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. Esegesi ibernica (Florence: SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2024), pp. 339-361. DOI 10.36167/MM128PDF

‘A Carolingian ‘Reform of Education’? The Reception of Alcuin’s Pedagogy’, co-authored with Giorgia Vocino, in Arthur Westwell, Ingrid Rembold, Carine van Rhijn (eds)., “Rethinking the Carolingian reforms” (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2023), pp. 96-140. DOI: 10.7765/9781526149565.00010

‘Commented editions of the Bible in Carolingian Europe and Otfrid’s approach to the Book of Isaiah’, in: Anna Dorofeeva/Michael Kelly (eds.), “The Art of Compilation: Manuscripts and Networks in the Early Medieval Latin West”, (Gracchi Books, scheduled publication: 2024) (accepted: 20.06.2021).

Nach oben

Margins at the Centre

Cinzia Grifoni

5 Jahre (1.1.2021-31.12.2025)