Di, 07.05.2024 18:00

Albanian Studies in Yugoslavia 1920–1989

Rexhep Ismajli | Prishtina

The lecture deals with the various phases of the development and situation of Albanian Studies in the former Yugoslavia from 1920 to 1989. Albanian Studies among the South Slavs began in the frame of Austro-Hungary during the 19th century, therefore they might reflect both the horizons of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, as well as the orientations within respective national cultures. The study of Albanian at the Belgrade University started in 1923, in which also the scientific journal Arhiv za arbanašku starinu, jezik i etnologiju was launched. After 1945, Albanian was used in schools and publications, first of all within the Autonomous region of Kosova, and in the Republic of Macedonia. In 1967, the Institute for Albanian studies (founded 1953, closed 1955) was reestablished. The University of Prishtina was founded in 1970, and studies on Albanian have started at the University of Skopje as well. In 1974, the International Seminar on Albanian Language, Literature and Culture began, and in 1975 the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosova was institutionalized. The studies on Albanian language, culture and literature in Prishtina expanded significantly during the 1980’s, integrating Prishtina under the big roof of Albanian and worldwide Albanian studies as one of the important centers.

Rexhep Ismajli is a retired professor of the University of Prishtina, he has lectured on General Linguistics and History of the Albanian Language. In 1998–2000 he held the position of substitute professur of Albanology at the University of Munich, in 1990–1994 he was Lecturer of Albanian Language at the University of Ljubljana and in 2002–2012 he taught the history of Albanian language and Balkanology at the South East European University Tetovo. He studied Albanian language and literature in Prishtina, specialized in Paris and Bochum, and received his doctorate in Prishtina. He is a regular member of the Kosova Academy of Sciences and Arts and has been its President for two terms. He was Chairman of the National Science Council of Kosovo (2008–2011). He is an honorary member of the Albanian Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has published extensively on Albanian studies.



Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 6pm

PSK-Building, 4th floor, Room 4
Georg-Coch-Platz 2
1010 Wien

and online via Zoom

Dr. Joachim Matzinger