358 results:
261. Two new issues of eco.mont  
Check out our new issues - January 2017 and a special issue co-edited by Hubert Job Issue 9/special issue (January 2017) Valerie Braun, Martin Coy, Günter Köck, Brigitte Scott, Hubert Job…  
262. AlpES Project Meeting, 19-20 December 2016, Innsbruck  
Project partners from ten institutions travelled from six different Alpine countries to Innsbruck, where the second project meeting in the AlpES project took place. The AlpES project aims to…  
263. IGF founding member of Copernicus Academic Network  
Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research became one of the Copernicus Academic Network founding members he section on Remote Sensing and Geomatics (Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain…  
264. 3D Mapping for Environmental and Infrastructure Monitoring  
Martin Rutzinger Dr. Martin Rutzinger from the Institute of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences has been appointed as co-chair of the working group on 3D Mapping…  
265. Neuer Artikel im Journal of Hydrology  
New Article in the Journal of Hydrology Thomas Zieher, Junior Researcher at the IGF, and his colleagues have published new results from their work on shallow landsliding in the Journal of…  
266. Neuerscheinung – Gebhard Bendler: Wilder Kaiser  
Gebhard Bendler, Geschichtswissenschafter am Institut für Interdiziplinäre Gebirgsforschung der ÖAW in Innsbruck hat ein neues Buch veröffentlicht: Wilder Kaiser. Von Sommerfrischlern,…  
267. Call for Abstracts: Close-Range Sensing of Environment  
We want to draw your attention to the session Close-Range Sensing of Environment at EGU 2017. We will be happy to receive your contribution and to meet you in Vienna next year. Convener: Martin…  
268. International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions  
Heidi Humer-Gruber Mountains 2016, the International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions, took place in Bragança, Portugal 3–7 October 2016. The small charming…  
269. Junge Antworten auf große Fragen  
Die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften lud Streifzug durch die vielfältigen Forschungswelten junger ÖAW-Wissenschaftler/innen in der Sommerserie Young Academics. Unsere Mitarbeiterin Heidi…  
270. Bericht über die 10-Jahres-Feier des IGF  
Valerie Braun Am 10. Oktober 2016 feierte das IGF mit ca. 100 Gratulanten und Interessierten im Festsaal des Tiroler Landhauses seine 10-Jahres-Feier. Das IGF bedankt sich bei allen seinen Gästen,…  
Search results 261 until 270 of 358