
IGU Commission on Mountain Studies

Symposium and business meeting held at the 35th International Geographical Congress 2024

IGU Commission on Mountain Studies

On August 27, the international symposium of the IGU Commission on Mountain Studies took place as part of the 35th International Geographical Congress 2024 in Dublin, Ireland. In particular, questions of human-environment relations (e.g., in the context of biodiversity, urbanization, and risk research), as well as fundamental conceptual topics of mountain research, such as questions of regionalization and verticality, were presented and discussed. The need to involve nonscientific stakeholders in the identification of problems and definition of core concepts—to contribute to human well-being—was emphasized. The symposium was organized by former Fulbright Global Scholar and IGF guest researcher Fausto Sarmiento (University of Georgia); Andreas Haller participated in his role as a member of the Steering Group of the IGU Commission on Mountain Studies.

Further links:

ÖAW news: Berge zwischen Natur und Kultur

ÖAW news: Bauern zwischen Großstadt und Gletscher