
Telephone: +43 1 79044/9838


since 2019 - PhD candidate in the Dagdas Group

2019 - MSc in Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology at the University of Sevilla, Spain

2018 - BSc in Biochemistry at the University of Sevilla, Spain

Research Projects

Evolution of Selective Autophagy Receptors in Plants 

Together with the PhD student Marintia Nava and the Postdoc Marion Clavel, we are working on the discovery and mechanistic characterization of selective autophagy players.

C53 and Ufmylation Regulation in Endoplasmic Reticulum Autophagy (ER-phagy)

Led by PhD Student Lorenzo Picchianti and Postdoc Ni Zhan, we want to understand the molecular basis of selective cargo recruitment of C53-mediated autophagy and its regulation by UFMylation.

Research interests

I find it fascinating that autophagy, a major cellular quality control pathway, can selectively target a specific substrate for its degradation. I am interested in the mechanistic characterization of selective autophagy players that fulfill this role.


Journal Publication (4)

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