
Telephone: +43 1 79044


since 2019 - Postdoctoral Fellow in the Dolan Group

2018 - PhD at Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

2013- BSc at Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, China

Academic Honors and Awards

UCAS Joint PhD Training Program funding (2016-2017)

Campus France (Xu Guangqi Program no 41241QJ) funding (2019-2020)

VIP2 postdoc fellowship under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 847548. (2022-2025)

Research Projects

Genetic Variation in Marchantia:

Marchantia polymorpha (hereafter referred to as Marchantia) is a liverwort, one of the three lineages of bryophytes that colonized the land and radiated over the continental surfaces over 400 million years ago. Due to the long evolutionary history of Marchantia, there are considerable genetic differences between different populations around the world. I am studying the genetic variation in Marchantia using genome-wide association (GWA) to generate novel insights into the evolution of land plants.

Research interests

After my PhD and two post-doc stays, I joined the GMI to study plant omics. In the Dolan lab, I focus on the model plant Marchantia polymorpha, which has been evolving for approximately 400 million years. I use population genomics to investigate its genetic diversity and plant genome evolution and provide a resource to the research community.


Journal Publication (5)

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