Tue, 17.05.2022 17:00

Book presentation "Vertragsstrafe"

The Institute for European Tort Law and the Association of Metaltechnology Industries invite to the presentation of the book "Vertragsstrafe und Schadenspauschalierung" (Contractual Penalties and Liquidated Damages)

The Institute for European Tort Law and the Association of Metaltechnology Industries of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber cordially invite the public to the presentation of the book "Vertragsstrafe und Schadenspauschalierung" (Contractual Penalties and Liquidated Damages) by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ernst Karner and Dr. Alexander Longin. The event will take place on 17 May 2022 at the Theatersaal of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and sees presentations by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Kodek as well as by both authors.

Please see the invitation (German) for a more detailed programme.