
MSE 2014 – Darmstadt, Germany

From September 23rd to 25th the biannual Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE) took place in Darmstadt, Germany.

Organized by the DGM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde) this conference offers an excellent platform for young researchers such as undergraduate and graduate students as well as PostDocs to meet the professionals in their fields. The Erich-Schmid-Insitute (ÖAW) and the Department Materials Physics (MUL) were represented by 4 participants from undergraduate student to Professor. Dr. Verena Maier, PostDoc at the ESI within Reinhard Pippans group, acted as a co-organizer and chair in the symposium “Small Scale and in-situ Mechanical Testing” by Prof. Dr. Karsten Durst from the TU Darmstadt. Within this very well attended symposium Assoz.-Prof. D. Kiener gave a highlight lecture on in-situ TEM investigations. Overall, the whole conference, the intensive and interesting poster session, and finally the conference party in the Mensa of the TU Darmstadt gave a good opportunity to meet colleagues from different countries and research fields to collaborate with in the future.