
TibSchol publications are also accessible in Open Access through the institutional repository of the Austrian Academy of Sciences epub.oeaw.  Link to the repository.

  • Griffiths, Rachael, Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) for Tibetan Manuscripts in Cursive Script. Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 72, July 2024, 43–51. Link.

  • Hugon, Pascale, ‘Thunderbolt Blaze’ or ‘Armless Hero’? – On the Authorship of the Essence of Debate. In: Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Jue Liang, and William McGrath (eds.), Histories of Tibet: Essays in Honor of Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp, New York, NY, 2023: Wisdom Publications, 339–354. Link to epub.

  • Griffiths, Rachael, Transkribus in Practice: Abbreviations. The Digital Orientalist, 1 November 2022. Link, PDF.

  • Griffiths, Rachael, Transkribus in Practice: Improving CER. The Digital Orientalist, 25 October 2022. Link, PDF.



  • Presentation of TibSchol HTR tools. PDF. Zenodo.

  • Ground Truth data for handwritten Tibetan cursive scripts (Drutsa and Betsug)

  • List of Tibetan abbreviations found in the TibSchol corpus. GitHub. Zenodo.

  • Scripts developed for processing and enhancing scans/images of works contained in the TibSchol corpus: