Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

Thorsten Jakobitsch

, BSc

Postdoctoral Fellow | Bioarchaeology Lab

Archaeological Sciences


Telephone: +43 1 51581-4114

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Studied crop science at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. Since 2018 employee in the archaeobotany laboratory of the ÖAI. Carrying out botanical analyses of large remains and wood residue analyses in various projects, in particular at the Neolithic lakeside settlements at Attersee and Mondsee. 2020 to 2023 PhD student at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna and DOC scholarship holder of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, successful completion in March 2023.

Research Projects

  • PhD Studies: »Maintenance or cultivation? Woodland management strategies in the late Neolithic pile dwellings of Lakes Mondsee and Attersee and in surrounding settlements«
  • »Grave goods and cremation fuel from a Hellenistic and Roman cemetery: Reconstructing the burial rituals and vegetation of Tenos island«

Research interests

  • Analyse von Pflanzengroßresten
  • Holzanalysen und Holzkohleanalysen
  • Analyse von Pflanzenresten in Tierkot
  • Landwirtschafts- und Vegetationsgeschichte



Journal Publication (17)

Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings (3)

Conference Contribution: Poster (in Proceedings) (1)

Contribution in Collection (3)

Research Report (11)

Other Publication (5)