Mag. Dr.

Teresa Bürge

, BA


RG »Mediterranean Economies«


Telephone: +43 1 51581-6128

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Studies of Classical Archaeology as well as Ancient Semitic Philology and Oriental Archaeology in Vienna; 2016 PhD at the University of Vienna; since 2013 research assistant at the Institute of Oriental and European Archaeology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; 03-08/2016 university assistant at the Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Vienna; since 2016 collaborator on the research project »The Collapse of Bronze Age Societies in the Eastern Mediterranean: Sea Peoples in Cyprus?«; since 2020 APART-GSK fellow with the project »Ritual or Refuse? Depositional Practices in Wells and Shafts«; assistant excavation director at the Swedish excavations at Tell Abu al-Kharaz, Jordan, and co-director of the excavation at Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus.

Research Projects

Research interests

  • Material culture of the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Southern Levant.
  • Trade networks and exchange of goods, migration
  • Relative chronology and distribution of Late Bronze Age pottery from Cyprus
  • Provenance of pottery
  • Cult, ritual and ritual deposits