Univ.-Doz. Mag. Dr.

Stefan Groh

Senior Research Associate

Individual Research


Telephone: +43 1 51581-4011

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Degrees in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History from the University of Graz. 1989 to 1995 scientific research at the Landesmuseum Joanneum/Graz as an intern and project member, 1993 to 1995 excavation director in Flavia Solva. Since 1996, scientific employee of the OeAI, since 2009, with the function as assistant director.

Research Projects

Research interests

  • Military Infrastructure and Transport Routes



Journal Publication (62)

Book/Monograph (16)

Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings (26)

Contribution in Collection (30)

Editorship (2)

Other Publication (1)