
Patrick Fiska

RG »Numismatics«


Telephone: +43 1 51581-4153

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Studied history and art history in Vienna and Dijon as well as historical research, archival science and historical auxiliary sciences at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research in Vienna. Collaboration in various research projects at the University of Vienna (including the edition of the scholarly correspondence of the brothers Bernhard and Hieronymus Pez, reconstruction of the library holdings of the former Charterhouse Gaming). In addition, foundation of the »Rechercheagentur Patrick Fiska e.U.« and independent commercial activity (historical research, transcriptions, palaeography courses, film consulting, exhibition curation). Since March 2021 collaborator at the OeAI on the research project »Die Ordnung der Münz-Welt. Numismatische Netzwerke von Frölich, Khell und Eckhel und ihre Klassifikationssysteme für antike Münzen«.

Research Projects

Research interests

  • History of the Order and Science
  • Historical auxiliary sciences
  • Source editions


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