
Maria Bianca D’Anna


Heritage Sciences


Telephone: +43 1 51581-4103

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

BA degree in Social Work and Adult Education (Sapienza University, Rome). Studies of Western Asia Archaeology, Ancient Oriental Studies, and Pre- and Protohistory (Magister degree in Prehistory and Protohistory of the Near East, Sapienza University, Rome). In 2019, I completed my PhD in Western Asia Archaeology at the Free University of Berlin. From 2019 to 2021, I was a postdoctoral fellow at ANAMED (Koç University, Istanbul) and Research Fellow of the German Archaeological Institute, Istanbul Department. I have been conducting field research in Turkey, Syria, Azerbaijan, and Iraqi Kurdistan and I have been involved in co-organizing various exhibitions and contributed to the museum development at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Arslantepe (Turkey). At the Research Infrastructure Heritage Science of the Austrian Archaeological Institute my main function is to support the network Heritage Science Austria in implementing an Austrian national node of infrastructures for heritage sciences.

Research Projects

  • Inclusion of Austria in the European Union infrastructure for Heritage Sciences E-RIHS

Research interests

  • The archaeology of food-related practices; food politics; commensality
  • The formation of complex societies in West Asia
  • Ceramic studies and use wear analysis
  • Archaeology and gender
  • Musealisation and cultural heritage