
Elke Profant

, BA

Technical Unit


Telephone: +43 1 51581-3459

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

2003 to 2010 Studies of Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna. 2007 to 2011 Studies of Prehistory and Early History at the University of Vienna. Excavations in Globasnitz/Carinthia (2004), Velia/Italy (2006), Amphitheater I/Carnuntum (2008-2009), Byzantine residential city of Ephesus (2011) and the Old University of Vienna (2019).  Find documentation at Magdalensberg/Carinthia (2005), Ephesus/Turkey (2007) and Ilam/Iran (2018). 2005 to 2007 Documentation of Roman cult and dedication monuments in Carnuntum under the project management of Dr. G. Kremer. 2008 to 2010 Building survey in the Byzantine residential city of Ephesos under the project management of Priv.-Doz. MMag. Dr. A. Pülz. 2012 to 2015 Collaborator in the project "The Temple District of Iuppiter Heliopolitanus in the Canabae of Carnuntum" under the project management of ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. V. Gassner and in the project "The Byzantine Palace of Ephesos" under the project management of Priv.-Doz. MMag. Dr. A. Pülz. Since 2015 collaborator in the project "The Bishop's Quarter of Side" under the project management of Priv.-Doz. MMag. Dr. A. Pülz and in the project "Deir el-Bachit and the Theban Monastery of St. Paul" under the project management of Dr. I. Eichner. 2018 Survey in the Sirvan Valley, Ilam Province/Iran under the project direction of Dr. F. Schwarz. Since 2020 technical assistant at the Austrian Archaeological Institute.

Research Projects


Contribution in Collection (1)

Research Report (1)