
Magdalena Blanz

, MChem

Postdoctoral Researcher

RG »Prehistoric Phenomena«


Telephone: +43 1 4277 40308

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16, 1010 Vienna

Room: Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS), University of Vienna | Human Evolution and Archaeological Sciences (HEAS) Research Network

Biographical sketch

Magdalena Blanz received a master’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland in 2016, with her master’s thesis focussed on diagenetic changes of strontium isotope ratios in archaeological remains. She received a PhD from the University of Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute for her research on the identification and interpretation of seaweed consumption by terrestrial mammals in archaeological contexts. From 2020 she worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, University of Vienna, focussing the study of Early Neolithic animals husbandry practices in Europe. She has worked on archaeological skeletal and botanical remains from Scotland, Austria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, France, Sweden, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary, and Romania. Magdalena Blanz now leads the stable isotope ratio preparatory laboratory for bioarchaeological studies of the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS).

Research Projects

Research interests

  • use of stable isotope ratio analyses of bioarchaeological remains
  • reconstruction of animal husbandry practices
  • human palaeodietary reconstructions
  • seaweed consumption and use in archaeological contexts
  • method development and experimental archaeology


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