
Davide Bianchi

Postdoctoral Fellow

RG »Religious Studies«


Telephone: +43 1 51581 4151

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

BA and MA degrees (with Distinction) in Classical Archaeology from the University of Milan; studies in Christian Archaeology at the Pontificia Universitas Antonianum (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum) Jerusalem; 2017 PhD with a focus on Christian Archaeology from the University of Milan; 2023 Italian Habilitation in Archaeology. 2017–23 University Assistant (post doc) at the Institute for Classical Archaeology, University of Vienna; Since 2023 Visiting Lecturer at the University of Pécs (Hungary). Since 2023 postdoctoral research associate at the ÖAI and Principal Investigator of the project »Caskets of Late Antiquity - CLA«

Detailed Biography

Research Projects

Research interests

  • Late Antique, Christian and Early Byzantine Archaeology
  • Visual and material culture of early Christianity in the Danube provinces and the Near East
  • Relics veneration and burial practices in sacred spaces
  • Monasticism in the Holy Land
  • Religious and cultural interactions in the late antique Mediterranean



Journal Publication (1)

Book/Monograph (1)

Contribution in Collection (1)

Editorship (1)

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