
Darko Stojanovski

Postdoctoral Researcher

RG »Prehistoric Phenomena«


Telephone: +43 1 51581-3499

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Prehistoric archaeologist from Macedonia, with focus on the neolithization process in the Balkan Peninsula. His interests range from pottery production and use, through human-environment interaction, to site formation processes and intra-site spatial organization. The latest research is a GIS-based approach in understanding site organization and human activity patterns at the Amzabegovo and Svinjarichka Chuka sites along the Vardar-Morava corridor.

Graduated Archaeology (BA) at the University of Veliko Trnovo in 2007. Erasmus Mundus scholarship holder in the Quaternary and Prehistory (MA) program at the University of Ferrara (2010-2012), studying the pottery of the Neolithic site of Grncharica in Macedonia. Erasmus Mundus fellow of the Quaternary and Prehistory PhD program at the University of Ferrara/Polytechnic Institute of Tomar/Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro University (2014-2017), working on a research-based thesis on the Neolithic-to-Copper Age pottery of the Iberian hinterland, including organic residue analysis at the Bristol Organic Geochemistry Unit. Postdoctoral researcher (2018) at the Biosense Institute of the University of Novi Sad, studying human diet in the Neolithic Balkans, in the frames of the ERC BIRTH project. Since 2019 director of excavations at the Amzabegovo (Barutnica) Neolithic site in Macedonia. Since 2017, co-director of the »Palaeolithic research of Eastern Macedonia« project. Since 2022 appointed as a ocent (Prehistoric Archaeology) at the Goce Delchev University in Shtip. Since January 2024 he is part of the Prehistoric Phenomena research group of the Prehistory and Western Asia\North Africa Archaeology department at the Austrian Archaeological Institute.

Research Projects

Research interests

  • The Neolithic socio-economic and cultural transformation in SE Europe
  • Transitions in Prehistory


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