Bogdana Milić

, MA

Postdoctoral Project Fellow

RG »Prehistoric Phenomena«


Telephone: +43 1 51581-6164

Biographical sketch

BA and MA studies at the Department of Archaeology, Belgrade University. Scholarship by the EU commission at the Institute for Pre- and Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology at Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg. PhD studies completed in 2018 at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany. 2012–2016 researcher at the Department of Prehistory, Istanbul University on the »BEAN« project, a Marie Curie Initial Training Network Theme of the EU Commission’s FP7 programme. Meanwhile guest researcher on the ERC project »Prehistoric Anatolia« initially based at the Austrian Archaeological Institute, later on at the OREA institute. 2016-2020 prae- and postdoc researcher at the Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology (OREA) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.  February-September 2021 postdoctoral researcher (Türkiye Bursları fellow) at Koç University, Graduate school of social sciences and humanities, Archaeology and History of Art Department. Since October 2021 Erwin Schrödinger grant holder (funded by the Austrian Science Fund) and the PI of the ARROWFUNC project (Revisiting the function of arrowheads in the context of first farming communities between the Near East and Southeast Europe) with the base at the research institutes in Barcelona (CISC/Spain) and Vienna (ÖAI/Austria), and related research stays in Nice (CEPAM/France) and Turkey (different institutions and fieldwork & research centres).

Research Projects

Research interests

  • Lithic technology in the Neolithisation processes in SW Asia and Southeast Europe
  • Emergence of farming in Anatolia and adjacent regions
  • Raw material exchange networks in the early prehistory (focus on obsidian)
  • Use-wear analyses of lithics aiming to revisit hunting practices in the Neolithic
  • Production of stone tools in the later prehistory in SW Asia and Southeast Europe



Journal Publication (10)

Contribution in Collection (6)

Dissertation (1)