Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr.

Andreas G. Heiss

Group Leader | Coordination Bioarchaeology Lab

Archaeological Sciences


Telephone: +43 1 51581-4112

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Degree in Biology (focus archaeobotany) from the University of Innsbruck. Since 2001, participation in numerous national and international research projects in central Europe and in the Mediterranean, with a focus on the topics of food, agricultural, and mining history. Lecturer at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), at the University of Vienna as well as at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. 2012 recipient of the BOKU Teaching Award. 2015 founding member of the Bioarchaeological Society of Austria (BAG). Since 2016 member of the OeAI and head of the archaeobotany laboratory, since 2021 research group leader, since 2024 head of the Bioarchaeology Lab.

Detailed Biography

Research Projects

Research interests

  • Environmental archaeology/Landscape history
  • Agricultural and food history
  • Cultural history of plants
  • Analysis of macro-remains of plants
  • Charred wood analysis
  • Analysis of food remains



Journal Publication (70)

Book/Monograph (2)

Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings (14)

Conference Contribution: Poster (in Proceedings) (4)

Contribution in Collection (65)

Editorship (4)

Habilitation (2)

Dissertation (1)

Research Report (61)

Book or Essay review (1)

Other Publication (36)