Alexandra Rodler-Rørbo

Coordination | Geochemistry Lab

Archaeological Sciences


Telephone: +43 1 51581-4138

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Studied geosciences with doctorate at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, focusing on materials synthesis, trace element and isotope geochemistry. Scientific project collaborator at the Polychromy Research Group at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen. Postdoctoral fellow at the Saxo Institute (University of Copenhagen), the Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry Research Group (Free University of Brussels), MSCA-IF fellow of the FG Objectitineraries at the ÖAI. Supervision of academic work in geochemistry and archaeometry and teaching at the University of Copenhagen, Free University of Brussels, University of Vienna and University of Applied Arts Vienna. Since 2023 PI of the ERC Starting Grant HUE, Senior Lecturer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Research Associate and Junior Group Leader at the ÖAI and member of the Young Academy of the ÖAW.

Research Projects

Research interests

  • Interdisciplinary archaeometric investigations of inorganic and organic archaeological materials.
  • Intersections between production technologies, raw material use and procurement (ores, sands, earth, glass-metal paint)
  • Diachronic changes in the organisation of production and trade networks in the context of cultural, social and political changes 
  • Use and significance of colours from the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, to Hellenistic and Roman contexts, Late Antiquity to early Middle Ages



Journal Publication (16)

Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings (1)

Contribution in Collection (7)