Tue, 07.11.2023 18:30

»Verbissen ins Jenseits – Bissspuren an einer mesolithischen Bestattung aus Groß-Fredenwalde, Brandenburg«

Online lecture

Bite marks on the right humerus © Georg-August Universität Göttingen/Bettina Jungklaus

Lecture Series »Neue Bioarchäologische Forschungen« (NeuBioArch)

Hans Christian Küchelmann | Landesarchäologie Bremen, selbstständiger Archäozoologe (www.knochenarbeit.de)

»Verbissen ins Jenseits – Bissspuren an einer mesolithischen Bestattung aus Groß-Fredenwalde, Brandenburg« 

This talk will focus on taphonomic studies on gnawing marks found on one individual of a Mesolithic multiple burial site in Groß-Fredenwalde, district Uckermark, Brandenburg.

The detailed analysis of these taphonomic traces does not just indicate the species that most likely caused these marks but also gives valuable hints on the disarticulation- and embedding processes of this remarkable burial. Furthermore, the high information potential of integrated taphonomic analysis for bioarchaeological studies will be discussed and highlighted.



November 07, 2023, 18.30 

online via zoom
Zoom link
Meeting-ID: 664 8439 3660
Kenncode: L05Wud


Ebru Garip