Wed, 10.01.2024 17:30

Palace, Shrine and Fortification at Pella in Jordan

Hybrid Lecture | Vienna

© Pella Excavations
»Palace, Shrine and Fortification at Pella in Jordan: Highlights from the 2019 & 2023 Field Seasons«

Stephen J. Bourke | Research Associate & Director, Pella Excavation, University of Sydney


The 2019 and 2023 field seasons at Pella in Jordan explored two main areas of the site, the MB-LB Palatial Residences, on the main mound, and the Chalcolithic/EB I precursor-occupation, and the massive Early Bronze Age II fortification systems, on the high hilltop of Tell Husn, south of the main mound of Khirbet Fahl. On the north face of Husn, a k EB II period mudbrick circuit wall revealed evidence of significant disruption and damage, consequent on the late EB II period regional earthquake. The northern 25 x 15m stone terrace/platform revealed distinct phases of construction in the later EBIB/early EB II periods. Below, several phases of EB I architecture were excavated, and a significant horizon of Late Chalcolithic period were revealed below.

On the south face of the main mound of Khirbet Fahl, excavations explored the LB I architecture of a monumental building complex, uncovering a rich destruction deposit containing elite glass, ivory and metal objects in one room. Below the LB I horizons, more of the MBA 'Courtyard Palace' rooms were uncovered. Finally, a series of deep Iron Age pit deposits were found to have cut through monumental LBA architecture. The pits contained significant cultic materials, including chalices, horse figurines and a unique ivory wand, together perhaps signifying a ritual assemblage, perhaps connected with the previously explored Bit-Hilani palace of the Iron Age II.





January 10, 5:30 PM CET 

OeAW, Seminar Room, 3rd floor (Georg Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna)
and via Zoom


Sigrid Pratsch