Tue, 09.05.2023 18:30

Blüte – Krise – Neubeginn?

Online Lecture

Bovine mandibel (© S. Trixl, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg)

Lecture Series »Neue Bioarchäologische Forschungen« (NeuBioArch)

»Blüte – Krise – Neubeginn? Archäobiologische Untersuchungen zu Wirtschafts- und Kulturwandel zwischen Oppida-Zivilisation und römischer Kaiserzeit«

Simon Trixl, Janette Horvath (Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart/Arbeitsstelle Osteologie)

In the 2nd century BC, Central Europe reached a degree of urbanisation unprecedented north of the Alps. In the 1st century BC, these structures collapsed and many settlements were abandoned, for which various reasons are discussed, such as the overuse of resources. This period of upheaval was followed by a further turning point in the history of the region with its incorporation into the Roman sphere of power. The lecture will show what effects these events had on an essential aspect of the life of the population at that time: animal husbandry. Meanwhile, numerous archaeofaunas can be used to examine how regional subsistence changed under the impact of the crisis events and whether impulses can be grasped that indicate an adaptation to a changing environment.



May 9, 2023, 6.30 pm

online via Zoom

(Meeting ID: 689 5887 2099, Passcode: Np8wrB)

OeAW-OeAI, Bioarchäologische

Thomas Schwarnthorer