
4th Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology

Conference | Varna

©Varna Regional Museum of History
»4th Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology: The Things of Life«

In Southeastern Europe, the Metal Ages – Chalcolithic, Bronze Age, and Iron Age – are characterized by dynamic processes that led to significant socio-economic changes. Many prehistoric societies unwittingly made substantial social and economic changes reflected throughout history by obtaining materials and resources for their daily lives. Overall, the availability of resources has always been an essential factor in shaping human societies and continues to be so today.
The procurement and distribution of resources like food, water, and raw materials cannot be studied in isolation without considering their relationship to time and space, their socioeconomic or technological background, and their spiritual connotation. Religious beliefs and practices often guided the use and management of resources, as certain rituals might be performed to honour or appease the gods or other spiritual beings to ensure a bountiful supply of resources.



25-28 September 2024 

Varna, Bulgaria


Mario Gavranovic
