Mag. Phil. Dr. Phil.

Barbara Prainsack

Barbara Prainsack

Corresponding Member of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences in Austria since 2022

  • Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
  • European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE)




Research Areas:

  • Political Science
  • Policy analysis
  • Health policy
  • Research policy
  • Political sociology





Selected Memberships:

  • Danish Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters
  • Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften
  • Academia Europaea
  • Royal Academy of Arts

Selected Prizes:

  • Bellagio Fellow, Rockefeller Foundation
  • Dissertationspreis 2003/04 der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft

Selected Publications:

  • Prainsack B, Forgó N. 2024. New AI regulation in the EU seeks to reduce risk without assessing public benefit. Nature Medicine 30 (5), 1235-1237.
  • Schlogl L, Weiss E, Prainsack B. 2021. Constructing the ‘Future of Work’: An analysis of the policy discourse. New Technology, Work and Employment 36/3: 307-326.
  • Wagenaar H, Prainsack B. 2021. The Pandemic Within: Policy Making for a Better World. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Prainsack B. 2017. Personalized Medicine: Empowered Patients in the 21st Century. New York City: New York University Press.
  • Prainsack B, Buyx A. 2017. Solidarity in Biomedicine and Beyond. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.