Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Julia Lajta-Novak

Julia Lajta-Novak

Member of the Young Academy since 2017

  • Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna




Research Areas:

  • Linguistics and Literature
  • English studies
  • General literature studies
  • History of literature
  • Cultural studies
  • Gender studies
  • Life Writing
  • Poetry Performance Studies





Selected Memberships:

  • Historical Fictions Research Network (UK)
  • Editorial board Journal of Historical Fictions
  • International Auto/Biography Association Europe (IABA)
  • Editorial board European Journal of Life Writing
  • Netzwerk Biographieforschung (A)
  • ESSE Gender Studies Network (national correspondent)
  • German Society for the Study of English

Selected Prizes:

  • ERC Consolidator Grant, 2020
  • START-Preis, FWF, 2020
  • Elise Richter Fellowship, FWF, 2016
  • Preis für hervorragende Lehre, Universität Salzburg, 2015
  • Marie-Andeßner-Habilitationsstipendium, Universität Salzburg, 2015

Selected Publications:

  • Novak, Julia, and Caitríona Ní Dhúill (2022). “Imagining Gender in Biographical Fiction: Introduction.” Pp. 1-46. In: Novak, J., Ní Dhúill, C. (eds) Imagining Gender in Biographical Fiction. Palgrave Studies in Life Writing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Novak, Julia (2022) “Screening Clara Schumann: Biomythography, Gender, and the Relational Biopic” Biography 45.1 (2022), 1–26.
  • Novak, Julia (2020) “Performing Black British Memory: Kat François’s Spoken-Word Show Raising Lazarus as Embodied Auto/Biography.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing 56:3, 324–341.
  • Lajta-Novak, Julia (2016) 'Rais’d from a Dunghill, to a King’s Embrace': Restoration Verse Satires on Nell Gwyn as Life-Writing. Life Writing, Bd. 13 (4), S. 449–464.
  • Lajta-Novak, Julia (2014) Nell Gwyn in Contemporary Romance Novels: Biography and the Dictates of 'Genre Literature'. Contemporary Women's Writing, Bd. 8 (3), S. 373–390.'&gt.