Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. rer. nat.

Gottfried Kirchengast

Gottfried Kirchengast

Corresponding Member of the Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Austria since 2011

  • Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz




Research Areas:

  • Geosciences
  • Environmental research
  • Climate change
  • Climatology
  • Meteorology
  • Hydrology



Selected Memberships:

  • European Geosciences Union
  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Meteorological Society
  • Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
  • International Radio Occultation Working Group
  • Österreichische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie
  • Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft

Selected Prizes:

  • START-Preis des Wissenschaftsfonds FWF
  • Josef Krainer-Würdigungspreis
  • GRAWE Award für Wissenschaft
  • Forschungspreis des Landes Steiermark
  • Honorarprofessor der Chinese Academy of Sciences

Selected Publications:

  • Kirchengast, G.; Kabas, T.; Leuprecht, A.; Bichler, C.; Truhetz, H. (2014) WegenerNet: A pioneering high-resolution network for monitoring weather and climate. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Bd. 95, S. 227-242.
  • Kirchengast, G.; Schweitzer, S. (2011) Climate benchmark profiling of greenhouse gases and thermodynamic structure and wind from space. Geophysical Research Letters, Bd. 38 (L13701).
  • Steiner, A. K.; Kirchengast, G.; Lackner, B. C.; Pirscher, B.; Borsche, M. et al. [..] (2009) Atmospheric temperature change detection with GPS radio occultation 1995 to 2008. Geophysical Research Letters, Bd. 36 (L18702).
  • Kirchengast, G.; Foelsche, U.; Steiner, A. K. (Hrsg.) (2004) Occultations for Probing Atmosphere and Climate. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer (408 Seiten).
  • Kirchengast, Gottfried (1996) Elucidation of the physics of the gravity wave - TID relationship with the aid of theoretical simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, Bd. 101, S. 13353-13368.