Contributions in peer-reviewed journals

Bruckman, Viktor J.; Terada, Toru; Uzun, Basak B.; Apaydın-Varol, Esin; Liu, Jay (2015) Biochar for Climate Change Mitigation: Tracing the in-situ Priming Effect on a Forest Site. Energy Procedia, vol. 76, pp 381-387. [OPEN ACCESS]

Emadzade, K.; Lebmann, M. J.; Hoffmann, M. H.; Tkach, N.; Lone, F. A. (2015) Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of high mountainbuttercups (Ranunculus) in North America and Central Asia. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, vol. 17, pp 131-141. [Link]

Flatscher, Ruth; Garcia, Pedro Escobar; Hülber, Karl; Sonnleitner, Michaela; Winkler, Manuela et al. (2015) Underestimated diversity in one of the world’s best studied mountain ranges: The polyploid complex of Senecio carniolicus (Asteraceae) contains four species in the European Alps. Phytotaxa, vol. 213 (1), pp 1-21. [OPEN ACCESS]

Kühn, Michael; Ask, Maria; Bruckman, Viktor J.; Hangx, Suzanne; Juhlin, Christopher (2015) Sustainable Supply of Resources and Energy is a Challenge. Energy Procedia, vol. 76, pp 1-6. [OPEN ACCESS]



Ask, Maria; Hangx, Suzanne; Bruckman, Viktor J.; Kühn, Michael (eds.) (2015) European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 – Division Energy, Resources and Environment, EGU 2015. Elsevier. [OPEN ACCESS]

Public-Scientific Publications


Bruckman, Viktor J.; Katzensteiner, Klaus (2015) How a geophysical extreme event dramatically changed fieldwork plans – a personal account of the Gorkha Earthquake. EGU Blog, Division ERE [online Blog]

Bruckman, Viktor J. (2015) Das Erdbeben in Nepal – wie ein Forschungsprojekt ein abruptes Ende fand. [online Blog]